Monday, June 27, 2011

Eating everything in sight!

Today has been a day where I have eaten everything I could get my hands on! I am normally a pretty good eater but not today! Let me just journal with you what I have eaten. This morning I had a bowl of shredded wheat with skim milk, for lunch I had leftover house chips from a restaurant with some pasta salad. For an afternoon snack I had a 100 calorie nutty bar and some string cheese, and for dinner I had a chicken sandwich. Now, that may not sound like a lot to some, but normally I am very good at eating light during the day and then having a bigger meal at dinner. I normally just have something small for breakfast and lunch. I feel so bloated! I am back on track tomorrow. I don't know what my problem was today. I was home all day and that might have something to do with it. It was a very lazy Monday. I was suppose to go to a coupon class tonight at the library but Nate didn't get home until 7:00, but who's really watching the clock......

Last week I got to keep Baby Derrick for a couple of hours while my good friend Katie ran some errands. He just turned 10 months so it was really fun to have a 10 and 13 month old together and play. They were so cute together and laughed a lot. It just seems like this stage is flying by. I sure do love this stage! Cute babies to love and kiss on all the time!

Back to eating better tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You eat like a bird! That was eating light!! oh my, I won't admit to my bad eating days compared to that :)
