Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blah "Metro" Week

Every year at this time we are in Destin, Florida for Metro. Metro is a student pastor's conference for bigger student ministries from all around the United States. Not only do they learn, but they get to hear wonderful speakers, ideas, worship, and catch-up with friends they only see once a year typically. As a wife I have always been able to go with Nate to this conference and participate in the sessions for wives. Each year you are so overwhelmed at the Godliness of these women. It's so refreshing and encouraging. We have made some sweet friends that are unforgettable. I remember each year and how different each year was because of where Nate and I were at in our lives in student ministry. I remember going before I had Landon and then I remember going when Landon was just 9 weeks old. My "season of life" was completely different that year. I remember trying to soak in how to still be active in student ministry but also be a Mom and learn how to balance the two. I always came back home so refreshed and excited to apply what we learned in the hearts of the students. It's a "blah Metro week" this week because we didn't get to go this year. We had so many other things going on here that we simply could not go. Another advantage going to this conference is that it is on the beach. Heavenly! I spent this week not only missing my friends but also missing the warm, sunny beach. So, I see a trip to Destin, Florida in the near future. I am already planning.


  1. i'm most certain i took that picture! ;~)

    i am definitely missing the beach and YOU, too!

  2. You are just blah without me there this week..!! :-) see ya soon!
