Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Story Time/PTA/Small Group

Last Wednesday my friend Emily invited us to Story Time at Wanda Gray Elementary.  Parents as Teachers puts it on once a month and did an amazing job. I was very impressed with how organized and creative it was!  Liam had a blast making a Mothers Day card and being read too.  It's nice to take a break from my normal morning routine and do fun things with Liam.  He is so eager to learn and is soaking things up right now.  

Tonight is my first PTA meeting.  I am a little nervous.  I don't really know why since I am not in charge yet.  Ha!  Afterwards the principal and I are having dinner to discuss future plans for the upcoming school year.  I am ready to embark on this new adventure.  It shall be interesting.  

Last Thursday we had a wonderful small group.  We have started reading The Story.  It is basically the Bible in story form.  I am learning a lot!  The discussion was wonderful and we had a lot of great input.  I am excited to continue learning more.  On a funny note, Nate fell out of his chair as he was introducing himself to someone.  Highlight of the night to say the least!  


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

He is Risen! I loved seeing those three words on Facebook this past Sunday. That was also Landon's Bible verse this past week. He was saying it while skipping to the car on Sunday after a wonderful service. Music to my ears!

My parents were in town, aka Gigi and Papa. Landon and Liam love them so much. I asked my Mom why she thought the boys adored them so much when they only get to see them about every six weeks or so. She said something that was so true. She said it is the way we talked as parents about them to them! I am ALWAYS talking to the boys about their grandparents. I had a very sweet relationship with both sets of my grandparents growing up. They were so special in my eyes and still are to this day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ministry Thoughts

“Servants…don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ.” Colossians 2:22-25

Often ministry can lead to burnout. One minute you are rockin’ and rollin’ influencing, mentoring, serving, speaking, writing, emailing, etc. The next minute, you are slap dab in the middle of, what I call, a “ministry muddle.”

This is when we become ineffective because we take our eyes off the prize. Doubt seeps in and we start asking, “Is this really what I am supposed to be doing? Lord, I think you may want to rethink this one.”

Here is what I know I MUST do to survive the calling of ministry? (And believe me, it’s a calling.)

Block out time to retreat from the noise. That can mean a number of things, including going into the bathroom, turning on the fan, and asking God to direct your thinking, sitting on the floor of your closet…with the door closed, sitting in your car in the garage (with the engine off!), any place where you can be alone with your Creator.

Even Jesus retreated from the crowds. He withdrew to spend time with the Father. Rest assured that unless you take some time to retreat and find rest in the Father’s eternal promises, your vision will become blurred and your mission skewed.

God does not call for perfection, He calls for action. Faith in action. Don’t get so distracted by the earthly master, the people you are serving, that you lose focus on the true Master. He has created each of us with such great purpose and worth. If only we could see a fraction of what He sees, we would be overwhelmed (in a good way.)

Do your best and then take time to rest. Invite the Father into every part of this day, knowing that He is more than capable of exceeding our expectations in using us to further His kingdom. Perfection is not required or accepted, just willingness and availability.