Thursday, February 24, 2011

Birthday Squared

On February 15th, my first born Landon turned 5. I am not sure how that is possible, but it happened. We decided not to do a big friend party this year as we have done in the past years. I told Landon he could have one friend from church and one friend from school. He picked Weston from church and Easton from school. Unfortunately, Easton couldn't make it last minute. We missed him! Oh, and of course we had to invite one of his favorite therapists, Ms. Katie. She is a a blessing to our family.

On his actually birthday we had planned to have this little get together. Due to sickness, it was rescheduled for last night. On his day of birth, he woke up to pancakes for his breakfast. One of his favorites. We proceeded to get ready for school and take cupcakes for all of his friends. Excited was an understatement. When I picked him up from school, he had a birthday crown on. Too funny! For his birthday dinner we took him to Macaroni Grill for his! We came home for ice cream and opened presents. He got a Leapster 2, Leapster games, books, a basketball shooting game, clothes, games, and money. He is a blessed 5 year old.

Landon on his actual birthday

Liam playing

Ms. Katie and her baby, Derrick

Weston, Landon, and Ava

April and Landon (Weston and Ava's Mom)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Valentine's Day was so fun this year. As Landon gets older, it is so fun to see him "get" the holidays. I LOVE dressing the boys for the holiday as well. As Landon gets older though, I realize dressing a boy for Valentine's Day is a little "babyish." What do you think? I see all these adorable girl things for Valentine's Day and I love it! I get sick of the same shirt that says "Heartbreaker." I think three out of the four shirts that Landon has had over the years has said that.

We had a great Valentine's Day together as a family. We started the day getting the boys dressed in their shirts and got Landon ready for his Valentine's Day party at school. He was so excited to take his "Cars" themed Valentine's to his friends. Nate took Landon to school and Liam went down for his morning nap. I did my Jillian Michaels video and caught up on housework. As I went to go pick up Landon from school, I thought about this day 5 years ago. You see my water broke with Landon on Valentine's night. (technically early a.m. on February 15th) I remember Nate and I had a very quiet dinner at BRIO Tuscan Grille on the plaza in Kansas City where we were living at the time. I was 9 months pregnant and so ready to get this large baby out of my belly that was due on February 26th. Little did I know he would come early. To end our Valentine's Day this year, we enjoyed some dinner at El Puente as a family. Nate and I will be celebrating as a couple next week as we have a babysitter for both of our boys.

Sweet Baby Liam-9 months

Already not wanting to sit still for the camera.

Landon being his silly, cute self. Liam was done!

Good one of Landon but the sunshine was in Liam's face.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Back in Business

Well, I am officially back in business in the blog world! My poor 9 month old doesn't have any "scrapbook" yet. They always say you are not quite as with it with your second child and I do believe that is true for myself.

What have we been up to in 2011!

*Nate led a SKI Missions trip to Colorado.
*Liam getting four teeth. Two on the bottom and two on the top!
*Landon turning 5 years old. (tear)
*Liam starting crawling and pulling up. (8 1/2 months)
*Lots of snow days.
*Nate getting the stomach bug and then spreading it to the rest of us. :-)

Stay tuned for many more updates.